Thursday, June 20, 2013

Abstract Classes, Properties Decoded in this post

Well here are some theoretical concepts on Abstract Classes, and Properties which are considered to be great tools provided by CSharp.

Abstract Classes - A class declared abstract cannot be instantiated. Here's how this is used and helps our application development.
Abstract Classes


These are links to session notes explaining the two concepts with very relevant and practical examples.


Thursday, April 4, 2013

Exams 2013 schedule

I am just a buzz away for students with problems relating to .Net, Java and Linux. If the topic is having too much weightage I can arrange for a free online session. Drop your messages in the comments section below.

Friday, March 15, 2013

BSC-IT New Syllabus as per Mumbai University 2012-13

Well, as we now have to get ourselves used to the new syllabus for BSc IT starting this academic year 2012-13, Ive decided to dedicate this blog for the students, for help, tips, links and explanations to various terms and technologies that a are a part of this huge curriculum. Its no doubt huge and comprehensive including almost all the latest technologies like Java, .Net, security, Linux, SQL Server it would be really helpful if all these technologies are mastered in all your future endeavours.

As I compile the data for this blog, all your queries are more than welcome.